Greater Latrobe Laurel Valley Chamber of Commerce

Business Services
Monday - Friday 10am - 5pm
Driving Directions:
811 Ligonier Street
Downtown Latrobe
About Us
The mission of the Greater Latrobe-Laurel Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce is Connecting Business, Community & Education.
We serve as an advocate for area businesses and industries; promote a vibrant economic climate in which businesses can prosper; foster an unsurpassed quality of life for the benefit of all our neighbors; encourage the attraction of new jobs, and the smart growth of our communities; and sustain informed, enlightened, and energetic leadership to address our future needs. Members of the Chamber are entitled to a constantly growing list of exclusive membership benefits.
The Chamber represents, connects and promotes our membership in the City of Latrobe, Unity and Derry Townships, the boroughs of Youngstown, Derry, New Alexandria & Blairsville and in the Ligonier Valley.
- provides incredible opportunities for businesses to network with other businesses and gain potential customers
- grow our communities through a commitment to education and creative partnerships
- All activities of the Chamber are undertaken with the intent to serve and enhance our local business community
- The Chamber will continue to pursue our goal of linking our great neighborhoods to drive commerce and improve small busi
- speak with one influential voice

Rep/Contact Info