Time(Management) is Money
Time(Management) is Money

Time (Management) is Money
By Jason Walko
Every so often, the phrase “I’ll just get up early tomorrow and do it” enters my mind, and for most of us, this is a lie we keep telling ourselves over and over again. Time management is something that everyone struggles with, but improving your time management skills is a huge key to improving your productivity, and one of the best ways to begin with managing your time is to develop a morning routine.
Of course, the hardest part of developing a solid morning routine is waking up, especially if you aren’t well-rested. Most researchers agree that adults typically need between 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Many people will claim that they can get by on much less sleep than that, but researchers agree that this isn’t very likely. When developing better sleeping patterns, it helps to sync up your body’s natural sleep cycles with your bedtime and wake-up time. The website www.sleepyti.me is a great resource for determining when you should go to bed. Simply input what time you have to wake up into the calculator, and sleepyti.me will give you a range of times that you can wake up feeling less tired and groggy. Waking up in the middle of a sleep cycle can leave you feeling exhausted, but waking up during the end of a natural sleep cycle can help you to start your day off right.
Once you are sure you will be getting enough rest, it’s time to start planning your morning routine. Everyone has a certain routine that will work best for them, so try a few things until you find something that is intellectually stimulating for you. Some prefer to get up early enough to hit the gym or go for a run, while others might prefer to do some writing or work on a passion project. One thing is for certain, though – don’t check your phone! It can be tempting, especially if you set your morning alarm on your phone. The internet is a pretty big time sink, especially when you can check your e-mail and browse your favorite websites as soon as you wake up. Resist the urge! Most smartphones keep track of your screen time, which can be accessed through your phone’s settings. Your phone may be able to tell you what apps you spend the most time on, and might even allow you to set restrictions on the amount of time you spend using certain apps. This can be a great way to limit your screen time and help you to focus on other things.
Time management is a difficult skill to master, but learning how to do it effectively can increase your productivity in both your personal and professional life. The Chamber of Commerce can also help you improve your time management skills by referring you to someone who can help!